Stress causes many changes in the body. It can weaken the immune and increase the risk of disease. A long period of stress can weaken the immune system of the body and increase the risk of disease. A long period of stress can weaken the immune system that takes charge of fighting disease-causing agents. Examples are physical disorders that result from stress called psychosomatic illness. A psychosomatic illness is a physical disorder caused by stress rather than by an agent that damages the body. It is a physical problem triggered or complicated by stress. It is a physical response to stress.
Basic Steps to a healthy Personality
1. Be Positive
2. Be Flexible
3. Be yourself
4. Learn to relax
5. Be physically active
6. Develop a sense of humor
7. Eliminate negative thoughts
8. Never give up when failures occur
9. Establish some contact with nature
When a person has a positive mental health, it does not mean that he/she does not have problems. Problems are always a part of life. How you solve your problem or problems In a positive way is the key to a healthier life.
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