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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

stress and illness: steps to a healthy life

Stress and Illness

Stress causes many changes in the body. It can weaken the immune and increase the risk of disease. A long period of stress can weaken the immune system of the body and increase the risk of disease. A long period of stress can weaken the immune system that takes charge of fighting disease-causing agents. Examples are physical disorders that result from stress called psychosomatic illness. A psychosomatic illness is a physical disorder caused by stress rather than by an agent that damages the body. It is a physical problem triggered or complicated by stress. It is a physical response to stress.

Basic Steps to a healthy Personality
1.       Be Positive
2.       Be Flexible
3.       Be yourself
4.       Learn to relax
5.       Be physically active
6.       Develop a sense of humor
7.       Eliminate negative thoughts
8.       Never give up when failures occur
9.       Establish some contact with nature

When a person has a positive mental health, it does not mean that he/she does not have problems. Problems are always a part of life. How you solve your problem or problems In a positive way is the key to a healthier life.

Recovering from a neck cosmetic surgery

Full recovery from a cosmetic neck surgery is about 10-14 days average depending on the age and the sagging of the neck. Age also is factor that determines the full recovery. With thread contour lift, neck liposuction, the procedure will take less than an hour and the patient can be awake during the procedure. Patients are able to go home soon after the procedure. It is expected that after ‘S’ closed thread is tied and inserted, minor swelling is visible. The patient can work the day or two after the procedure. Doctors would recommend not doing any facial or neck rubbing, maximum movements of the head to avoid complications. The treatment can last for 3-4 years.
Dr. Amir Karam Performing Fat Transfer to Face...Image via Wikipedia

                                   If you want a fast and immediate results then use Thermacool system. It is fast, safe and non-surgical treatment that can help in sagging skins. Though there are swellings after the procedure, the result is immediate without waiting for days to recover. The process effect will last about 6months. The costs of both procedures vary much so feel free to ask more to your cosmetic surgeon about it.

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Cost of mini neck lift procedure

Discover the different costs of mini neck lift.

Pricing with neck lift varies depending on the nature of the procedure. With Distinction Firmalift by Leigh Valentine, the natural non-surgical treatment will cost you about $50 up. There are lots of packages and lift kits that you can chooses from and rest assures that it is all natural and safe. Thermacool system ranges about $4,000-$5,000. It is a non-invasive way to stimulate the natural collagen of your skin by using radio frequency. Other oral medications in the market can range up to $300.
Mini neck lift surgery can range $4,000-$6,000 depending on the doctors’ fee and other fees. It is recommended for those aged person who has sagging neck because they will reduce the excess skin on the neck. Mini lift can stop the aging process. Some liposuction and botox treatment that helps in tightening range also $4,000-$5,000. They are ideal for that person who likes to remove excess fat.  This general review however does not replace your doctor’s advice.

What are surgical cost of breast reduction and augmentation?

breast surgeryImage via Wikipedia
Find out more on surgical procedure cost of breast reduction and augmentation.


     One of the leading cosmetic surgical operations is augmentation and reduction of the breast. Most women want to have the perfect breast that they want that why they deal with surgical procedure. In enlargement procedure a plastic like silicone is used to enhance the breast by expanding the tissue. It is best to find a certified surgeon to make this procedure that has skill and training in breast implants.
     There are also with long, flabby, and saggy breasts that are problems with other women that can be operated with breast reduction. Mini procedure and reduce it by 4cm by removing excessive breast skin and breast glands. These deformities can be made to help those who have problem with their sagging breasts. Both breast augmentation and reduction cost ranges from $5,000- $10,000 average.
     Other alternatives also are enhancement pills and buttocks like cream that is available in the market. Push-up and firming bra is also available in lingerie sections. The pricing is slightly different and lesser compared to surgical operations but it will take time to see the result of it.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010


Pleurisy Root Extract 1 OuncesPleurisy Root Extract 1 OuncesPneumonia
False AccusationsImage via Wikipedia

Pneumonia is an inflammatory of the lungs. It is caused by a wide variety of viruses, (Rickettsia), bacteria, (Mycoplasma), and fungi. Lung inflammation may also occur with the inhalation of various dusts or gases.
In pneumonia, the lung tissue is irritated by microorganisms or by dusts or gases inhaled. The walls or air sacs or alveoli swell or are destroyed. Then the plasma, red blood cells, and white blood cells from ling capillaries fill the alveolar spaces.
The portion of the lungs involved becomes relatively solid, so it can no longer expand and contract. This makes breathing difficult. Typical symptoms include fever, chills, cough, chest pain (pleurisy), increased production of sputum, sweating, aching, expectoration of blood, and difficulty in breathing.
The Treatment
                Pneumonia can be treated successfully with antibiotics. A vaccine against pneumococcal pneumonia was introduces in 1977. A more effective vaccine was licensed in 1983. Vaccines are used primarily for persons who are in the high-risk groups for the disease. A special type of pneumonia that occurs frequently in children and young adults is caused by microorganism.
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Monday, July 12, 2010

LASER meathod to fight foot fungus

Grown male right foot (angle 1)Image via Wikipedia

Discover the beauty of laser method for foot fungus treatment.

There is a new way of treating bunions and plantar are with the use of splints and surgery. Now, science develops a new way to get rid of fungal infections and foot- LASER. a widely used devices for eye problems and other important organ now is develop for treatment of foot fungus.

Natural methods like cider vinegar, tea tree oil and olive extratcs are effective in removal of fungal but if untreated, it will happen again. It will cause you more pain, redness and infection. A new way of eliminating this high- advance is LASER treatment.

Revolution laser treatment, in juts 30 minutes, can treat foot fungal infection. a specially designed device that shines your upper down to all affected part of your toenail and vaporized the fungus embedded in your nail. it eventually gets rid of the fungus and cells that is is a safe and no reactions like with oral pill prescribed by doctors. to find out more about this method, recommend to check podiatry related surgeon for advices.

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How to use facial hair bleaching.

Facial hair of a male that has been shavedImage via Wikipedia

Guide and tips on how to use facial hair bleaching

Before you start, makes sure that everything it ready- a clean towel, an amount of water, bowl, and scissors ready. You can use ready-mix depilatory creams that is available in stores. They are mostly comes with a kit. You need to make your face clean and dry first.
Next, open the bleaching mix with scissors. Combine the bleaching powder and the liquid enhancer in the kit in a bowl. You can use only an amount that will accommodate the facial area you want to put it in.
For a couple of minutes, after the mixture is already incorporated, apply it gentle to the area that you want to remove the unwanted facial hair. You can check the instructions on how to prepare it that is included in the kit and make sure to follow the time allotted for it. Mostly it will take 10-20 minutes. It is advisable to be on a well-ventilated area while doing this.
When the time has come, rinse you self with water thoroughly and pat dry with a clean towel. You can see the difference of it before and after.
This way is not only for women but for men as well. For best result, ask an expert to accompany you.
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Friday, July 9, 2010

Tips to live a greener lifestyle

LightbulbGlowImage via Wikipedia
Tips to live a greener lifestyle

Focus on reducing your energy and water consumption and your waste generation, and you’ll be on your way to reducing your footprints on the planet. Here are some tips:

1. Use fluorescent light bulbs. Yes, they’re more expensive than incandescent light bulbs, but you could save up to 30 percent on your energy bill. CFL's use about 75 percent less energy than incandescent and last 10 times longer.
2. Keep your car in excellent condition. Of course, it’s best to walk, bicycle, carpool or use mass transit for your daily commuting, but for those who must use their own vehicles, improving even the most inefficient of cars’ fuel mileage is easy as keeping your tires properly inflated and changing your oil and air filters regularly. And follow those traffic laws- your car burns less fuel when you drive slowly and obey the speed limit on highways.
3. Make sure your dishwasher and clothes washer and dryer are full before using them. These appliances consume large amounts of energy, so consume their use as much as possible by only running them with full loads. If you want to buy electronics or appliances, look for energy star label to purchase the most energy efficient models available.
4. Wash clothes in cold water and line dry. Using cold water rather than hot in the washer saves energy ad works just as well as hot with most clothes. Line drying is not only more environmentally friendly, but it also keeps clothes from shrinking and fading.
5. Shut down and unplug idle electronics. Your computer might be asleep, but if there’s light on, it’s still using energy. Turn off and unplug any electronic device that you’re not using.
6. Skip the bottled water. Sure, water is good for you, but the process of harvesting the raw materials, processing and manufacturing the petroleum-based plastic water bottles and shipping them to market is extremely energy intensive. Sp filer your own water and fill up your own reusable bottles for water on-the-go. You can use tumblers for it.
7. Supply your own bags and leftover containers. If you’re headed to a restaurant that you know serves king-sized portions, bring small piece of container along to take home the leftovers. Going to the supermarket? Bring your own canvass tote bags.
8. Buy items with less packaging, and with packaging that your community recycles. The old adage of reduce, reuse, recycle remains. We must remind ourselves that the first step is always to reduce our demand of natural resources.
9. Support local farmers. Food grown or produced halfway around the world didn’t just appear in the supermarket- it was shipped by plane, boat, truck or rail, and no matter which method of transportation it took, greenhouse gases were emitted along the way.
10. Plant a tree in your backyard. It seems simple, but just one tree can offset tons of carbon over its lifetime. If planted appropriately, it also will provide shade on a sunny day, perhaps reducing the use of energy for air-conditioning in buildings and homes.
11. Try used products first. Need a couch? Check newspaper classified or to see if you can find an acceptable used option before going to a showroom to buy new one, which will have required both energy and materials to make and ship.
12. Ask about green power. Many utility companies offer renewable energy options, which is power generated by wind or solar energy.
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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fish behavior can monitor water quality

BAKERSFIELD, CA - MAY 08:  Morning traffic mov...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Fish behavior can monitor water quality
Everybody drinks water, and the question of whether or not there’s a contaminant or a toxic substance in the water is very real. But do you know where your water comes from? Tap water comes from many different sources. Before it gets to the faucets, water treatment plants clean up water from lakes, rivers and reservoirs, but it can still get contaminated by industrial and agricultural spill.
Now to make sure water is safe, environmental scientist are using something that lives in the water to monitor it closely- fish! Researchers are using bluegills to detect industrial and agricultural spills in water supplies. Changes in the environment cause the fishes’ behavior and breathing patterns to change. Electrodes are placed inside the tanks that contain the fish and water from a nearby water supply and they set off an alarm if conditions inside the tank change.
If pollutants are present, the fish will change their breathing patterns. Electrodes in each chamber monitor any changes. If the fishes are stressed, an alarm goes off. A researcher says that they don’t know necessarily what is the contaminant of the stressor to the fishes, but you know that it’s there. This will help to determine and prevent any toxins from getting into drinking water.
The fish system is a common sense, logical way to monitor for water quality thus, helping to keep their water- and yours- safe.
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Hans Christian Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen was born in the slums of Odense. His father, Hans Andersen, was a poor shoemaker and literate, who believed he was of aristocratic origin. Andersen’s mother, Anne Marie Andersdatter, worked as washerwoman. Although she was uneducated and superstition, she opened for his son the world of folklore. Later, Andersen depicted her in his novels and in the story ‘Hun duede ikke’.

Andersen received little education. As a child, he was highly emotional, suffering all kind of fears and humiliations because of his tallness and effeminate interests. Andersen’s hysterical attacks of cramps were falsely diagnosed as epileptic fits. Encouraged by his parents, he composed his own fairytales and arranged puppet theater shows. His father loved literature and took Andersen often to the playhouse.

In 1816, his father died and Andersen was forced to go work. He was, for a short time, apprentice to a weaver and tailor and he also worked at a tobacco factory. Once, his trousers were pulled down when other workers suspected that he was a girl. At the age of 14 Andersen moved to Copenhagen to start a career as a singer, dancer or an actor- he had a beautiful soprano voice. Andersen succeeded in becoming associated with the Royal Theater, but he has to leave it when his voice began to change.

Andersen’s fame rest on his fairy tales and stories, written between 1835 and 1872. Tales, told for children, appeared in a small, cheap booklet in1835. In this and following early collections, which were published in every Christmas, Andersen returned to the stories which he had as a child, but gradually he started to create his own tales. The third volume, published in 1837, contained “The Little Mermaid” and “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Among Andersen’s other best known tales are “Little Ugly Duckling”, “The Tinderbox”, “Little Claus and Big Claus” “Princess and the Pea”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Nightingale”, and “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”. With these collections, inspired by the great tradition on the Arabian Nights on the other hand and Household Tales, collected by the brothers Grimm, Andersen became known as the father of the modern fairytale. Andersen’s works were original. Only 12 of his 156 known fairytale stories drew on folktales.

Between the years 1840 and 1857, Andersen made journeys throughout Europe, Asia and Africa, recording his impressions and adventures in a number of travel books. During his travels abroad, Andersen was able to more relaxed and take more liberties than in Copenhagen, where everybody knew him.

Andersen died is home in Rolighed on August 4, 1875.