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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Effects of Pollution in our BODY

Overview of main health effects on humans from...Image via Wikipedia

Air Pollution
The causes of air pollution can result from natural forces or from modern living. There are four main gases: nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide. The urban air has an excess of carbon dioxide plus sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone, and a group of compound called hydrocarbons. Present in these gases are lead, mercury and particulate. Particulates are small particles or liquid droplets that are suspended in air, including fumes, smoke, and dust. Burning of fossils fuels by cars and factories are the causes of air pollution. Air pollution produce air pollutants, which forms a thick, visible haze called smog. Under normal weather conditions, this haze rises toward the cooler air in the upper atmosphere where it diffuses. This condition may affect people such as eye burn and tears, irritates the throat, and can cause coughing or breathing difficulty. It will also promote the development of a wide range of respiratory and other health problems, such like asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis. To the people who have existing heart and lung ailments, pollution can be life threatening. Other ill effect of air pollution is the production of acid that may destroy the normal acid balance of the water and soil, and kills water plants and animals, as well as fishes and birds.
Water Pollution
Improper dumping of human wastes and phosphate detergents has created water pollution problem. Phosphates and high levels of chemicals in water produce toxic chemicals, which promotes rapid growth of bacteria and algae. This will deplete the normal oxygen causing eutrophication, or aging resulting to chocking of water plans, fishes, and other living organisms. Water pollution leads to contamination of food supply, such as the use of pesticides containing PCBs and Dioxin. These chemical elements cause cancer to humans.
Low level of radiation is not harmful to human health, such as non-ionizing radiation in microwaves and x-ray. Other radioactive substance in the earth like uranium and radium causes radiation. Radiation from the sun can be harmful if the heat is too intense. However, all these can be damaging to human health if exposed to high levels of radiation, which will injure the cells and cause genetic damage. Pregnant women are not allowed to undergo any x-ray for it is harmful to the mother and the child’s health. It may cause deformities, fever, miscarriage and death.
Solid Waste
Solid wastes are the most hazardous and problematic environmental condition. Most dumping sites are open spaces used as breeding grounds for rats, flies, and other disease carries. Improper burning of solid waste can increase air pollution. Common diseases causes by improper solid waste management are diarrhea, malaria, pneumonia, skin disease, and other viral infections.
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Friday, May 6, 2011

What causes Mental Health?

A chimpanzee brain at the Science Museum LondonImage via Wikipedia

The theory behind the positive value of being in contact with nature is that our nervous system and genetic structure are turned into a natural environment such as that relaxation occurs when you are in contact with nature.

What causes Mental Health?
Mental disorder is a psychological or behavior pattern that brings distress and disability. Some mental disorders are anxiety, phobia, panic and mood and others. These disorders causes you to be more sensitive to the type of anxiety a normal person have. Some of these disorders can be fatal. Several factors may cause mental disorder in a given situation. These factors are:
Hereditary Factor
                In some degree, mental disorder can be inherited from parents who have history of mental illness. Researchers have gathers evidence to support the theory that mental disorder can be inherited through the genes of one or both parents.
Environmental Factor
                The environment might be the cause of mental disorder. The family is the most influential factor for mental disorder- for example, the way your parents teach you how to cope with problems or how you can express your emotions. A conservative family tends to developmental disorder. The emotions and social life of their children are suppressed. A family with an open communication, on the other had will have a well balance mental health. Other factors in the environment that will affect mental health are noise, pollution, uncomfortable temperature, and inadequate sleep. These factors may affect your performance in school or at the place of work.
Brain Factor
The brain is the computer of the body that controls physical and mental functions. Anything that affects the brain can influence a person’s mental status. For example, brain tumors, injuries, strokes, or syphilis can affect brain function. The condition that affects brain is called physical illness. A lack of oxygen in the brain can destroy the brain cells which cannot be repaired. Cigarette smoking, alcohol, and drugs affect brain function. Prolong use of these substances may destroy mental health, causing mental disorder.

People who would like to sustain a healthy personality seek professional help for them to overcome their emotional problems. The recognition of an emotional problem shows a person is willing to do something to cope with the emotional problems affecting his mental health.
Positive behavior is desirable in order to eliminate negative thoughts and feeling. Negative feeling and actions are poisonous to human well-being. Attitude and feeling can consciously cause changes in behavior. Keeping hostilities, resentments, and an attitude of revenge will have a harmful effect on mental health.
People with mental health know how to learn to relax. It can contribute to a state of happiness and well-being. Engaging oneself in physical exercise can release tension and anxieties. It is also good for the heart, blood circulation, and oxygen consumption.
Establish contact with nature. The theory behind the positive value of being in contact with nature is that our nervous system and genetic structure are turned into a natural environment such as that relaxation occurs when you are in contact with nature.

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